Tommy The Turtle™ is a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges ranging from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations. The Author, Chris Griswold, even tackles social media issues faced today by our children. Chris is himself a father of 3 children….
Tommy The Turtle™ is a robust series of books, all published on Amazon, and easily affordable and collectable at only $12.50 each. Browse below to find the right books for your child. Remember to check back periodically as more books are published in due course (20 written so far) and don’t forget to tell your friends and family how to find their own, helpful books here at
This children’s story is the first in a series of (currently 17, and growing) books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges range from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, and coping with alopecia (hair loss). Also, the series includes learning the virtues of forgiveness toward others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, and even understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations as well as other situations. It’s a robust series of books. As the title above hints, a little boy named Troy (a character I named after my oldest son) kicks off the series when he meets a very old, wise, 150 year old turtle named “Tommy the Turtle” whom he confides in about the growing troubles and rumblings he observes at home between his mother and father. You’ll watch Troy respond and react (in his dialogue with Tommy) to his first impressions of hearing his parents use the word “divorce.” Ultimately, Troy will learn what “divorce” means, how he’s not to blame for it, and the need to ultimately take responsibility for his own happiness and life choices – while letting his parents do the same. Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated children… PURCHASE BOOK>>>
This children’s story is the second in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges ranging from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations – and even social media issues faced today by our children. And others. It’s a robust series of books.
As the title above hints, a little girl named Mackenzie (a character named after my own daughter) continues the series when she confides in “Tommy the Turtle” (a very old, wise, intuitive, 150 year old turtle) about her secret, debilitating lack of self-esteem and self-worth on the night of the big school dance – which Tommy tries to encourage Mackenzie through. Like too many young girls, despite her God-given inner and outer natural beauty (which the other girls and boys in her class express their respective, latent envy and admiration of), she ultimately and sadly (at the very last minute, on her front porch in the rain) calls off her dream, dance date with her crush and ultimate true love, Sam.
Years later, Mackenzie’s destiny will unexpectedly hold a second chance to finally fall in love with Sam – all while remembering, and now finally believing, Tommy’s good words which he gave her on that rainy night, now long ago. In the process, she will finally come to believe and accept, for herself, the fact that she is both very worthy and beautiful. Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated girls… PURCHASE BOOK>>>
(About kids being bullied)
This children’s story is the third in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. These challenges range from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations, and even social media issues faced today by our children, and others. It’s a robust series of books.
As the title above hints, a little boy named Vance (a character named after my own, youngest son) continues the series when he confides in “Tommy the Turtle” (a very old, wise, intuitive, 150 year old turtle) about his secret saga of being bullied at school. Like too many children, Vance is attempting to deal with a bully on his own, without availing himself of the help and resources that his teachers, school counselor, and his own family can provide. A potentially dangerous and helpless situation for any child〜
Tommy arms Vance with thought processes and strategies to lessen the bully’s grip upon him and his well-being. Vance learns that, in simply talking to Tommy (or any trustworthy adult) about being bullied, he’s already taken the most important step in breaking free from being bullied. Tommy even gives Vance insight into the mental and emotional motivations of his bully. Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated children〜 PURCHASE BOOK>>>
(About children holding onto their dreams during sickness)
This heartfelt book is dedicated to children dealing with illness-may they hold on to their dreams…
This children’s story is the fourth in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. These challenges range from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations, and even social media issues faced today by our children, and others. It’s a robust series of books.
This time, Tommy himself tackles the deadly combination of both a life-threatening medical condition and loneliness during his long hospital stay – something that sadly isn’t uncommon in our new world from 2020 onward. It’s sadly a predicament currently faced not only by our young children, but people of every age. Either way, it’s all too common and a potentially dangerous and helpless situation for any child…
As the story progresses, Tommy not only finds companionship during the midst of his long, lonely, medical ordeal, but he also finds a “purpose” to keep on fighting – a purpose to help others. Companionship and purpose thereafter combine to become the source of much needed hope, not only for Tommy and Molly, but for the others that they together help. Tommy ultimately prevails on all fronts.
Purpose, companionship and hope are something our kids (and, really all of us) need, whether or not they are sick. Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated children…〜 PURCHASE BOOK>>>
(Helping children understand depression and seeking help for it)
This touching book is dedicated to children dealing with depression-may they find their inner strength and thrive with happiness.
This children’s story is the fifth in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. These challenges they may face range from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have caused hurt, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations– and even social media issues faced today by our children and others. It’s a robust series of books.
This time, Tommy helps Sally recognize that her unexplained feelings of sadness and “feeling down” may be symptoms of something much more serious–depression. Depression sadly isn’t uncommon anymore in our children, both younger and older.
What can be worse is often times children can’t even recognize it, unless someone is (hopefully) monitoring them closely on a daily basis and even then, it can be missed. Either way, it’s all too common and a potentially dangerous and helpless situation for any child〜
Ultimately, Tommy helps Sally seek help from trusted adults, and her own parents.
Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated children〜 PURCHASE BOOK>>>
(This touching book is dedicated to our kids who are coping with divorce. May they find childlike joy.)
This children’s story is the sixth in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges ranging from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations – and even social media issues faced today by our children and others. It’s a robust series of books.
This time, Tommy helps Taylor recognize that the divorce her parents recently finished, while painful and life-changing for everyone, was not her fault in any way. Tommy also explains to Taylor what a divorce is, legally and practically speaking. Something helpful for every child to understand. The story goes even further into the details of the “exchanges” that occur between two parents after a divorce and how the exchanges are sometimes difficult on not just the children, but all involved, especially when a divorce is still fresh…
During the story, Taylor learns that the exchanges, while difficult and hard to get used to, are both critical and necessary to enable both parents to spend valuable time with her. Other nuances and emotions that Taylor encounters as a result of the divorce, and particularly during exchanges, are addressed and aired out. In the end, Taylor learns that the divorce doesn’t change how much her parents love her.
Hopefully, this book helps similarly situated children…PURCHASE BOOK>>>
What is anxiety? Dedicated to all our children who bravely combat anxiety. May we conquer it together.
This children’s book is the seventh in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges ranging from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and
possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations–and even social media issues faced today by our children and others. It’s a robust series of books.
This time, Tommy helps Phoenix Blackhawk deal with his feelings of anxiousness and nervousness connected with attending school. His anxiety is made worse by missing his dad who travels a lot with work… Remember, when you’re missing a loved one, that makes us all feel even more “confused and mixed up” when simultaneously trying to do schoolwork – especially children with demanding, high-stress school life experiences.
Tommy helps Phoenix Blackhawk recognize, understand, and learn about what “anxiety” is and how it can affect even the healthiest of children. This story delicately encourages children to involve their parents, teachers, and other trusted school and community members in dealing with the more grown-up emotions of performing at school while emotionally struggling with missing (in whatever form that absence takes) important people in their lives – like a father.…PURCHASE BOOK>>>
Teaching awareness to children about communication issues and social barriers:
This children’s story is the eighth in a growing series of books aimed at children who face a wide number of life challenges. Challenges ranging from being bullied at school, facing depression or anxiety, being disabled or handicapped, going through troubled times at home and possibly facing divorce, handling a new life after divorce, coping with alopecia (hair loss), the virtues of learning how to forgive others that have hurt you, the virtues of hard work and humility, understanding the First Amendment better in peer pressure situations–and even social media issues faced today by our children and others. It’s a robust series of books.
This time, Tommy helps Porter deal with his feelings of frustration, sadness, and confusion related to not being able to communicate clearly and effectively with Jorge, who eventually becomes his closest, most important friend…
Remember, just because your child feels like they’re always communicating clearly with their friends doesn’t mean they are, especially in culturally diverse learning environments. When kids in these environments speak different languages, teaching your child to slow down and learn how to examine the body/non-verbal language of other children (kinesiology) is an important life-skill that will pay even larger dividends into their adulthood – until learning that other language becomes possible..…PURCHASE BOOK>>>
From the seat of his wheelchair, Teddy makes a huge difference in his school and community, while discovering his own dream from the skills, talents and abilities that lay hidden within him. A story that speaks to us all, about hope, self-discovery, and self-actualization. PURCHASE BOOK>>>
While its content and subject matter are as diverse as my first book, P.S. We Can… it’s my hope you read this second book in light of things that can inspire, edify, ignite, and propel forward the most important person in your life today – you.
I write about different things, ideas, and events (from classical history to the more recognizably, recent). I then sprinkle these with parables from history (even some from the Bible), as well as principles and laws from physics, mathematics, kinesiology, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, astronomy, the speed of light, music, and military history, along with many other disciplines and different things. From them, I make certain truths, tenets, concepts, and constants about life (even our faith) come more to life. PURCHASE BOOK>>>
In the past few years, I’ve been writing about different things, ideas and events (from classical history to the more recognizably, recent) which I then sprinkle with parables from history (even sparingly from the Bible), as well as principles and laws from physics, mathematics, astronomy, various other sciences; even art, music, history, and many other disciplines – all to make certain truths, tenets, concepts and constants about life (even our faith – regardless of whether you are Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Christian, or any other faith) come more to life, in a positive light, a light that perhaps we can share with others. We reach into centuries past, or just a few decades back, to examine famous peoples’ lives, from Napoleon to the Beatles to George Michael. The conversation we have ranges from discussing the laws of physical science and the speed of light to interesting discussions on Abraham Lincoln and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, from Van Halen’s electric song “Jump,” and the music group Milli Vanilli, to JFK, from the rise of bungee jumping off tall bridges to the incredibly staggering, lethal rate of addiction that occurred when cocaine hit the streets of Miami in the late 1970’s. Even figures from military history and Johnny Carson. Then, we find real life takeaways from it all. It’s such a broad, diverse content field we examine – it’s really hard to describe it. You’ll just have to take a look.Ultimately, taken as a whole, I hope this little book gives you a new peace, freedom, joy and (ultimately) strength in an ever crazier world (as I walk you through and personally share in my final thought, at the very end). PURCHASE BOOK>>>
Faith Through Poetry
This book is written for anyone walking in this game of life.
Through childhood, parenthood, romances, divorces, faith walks, and other large life capstones – we all love, hurt, grieve, heal, grow, want and learn. These poems well capture my own life experiences, while hopefully giving some voice to your life experiences and help you better reflect upon your life, purpose, and journey. Life is beautiful and God given. Have faith. God bless you.
From the Author: I’m a father, commercial business attorney and real estate broker (working in both Texas and Oklahoma, for the past 20 years), author (both children’s books as well as grown-up books), investor, speaker, professor, guest columnist, social activist, volunteer, mentor, and the writer of a monthly e-newsletter which has organically grown from 30 to 30,000 subscribers. PURCHASE BOOK>>>