Welcome to Our Firm – Chris Griswold, PC & Etc Realty, LLC
* Business & Real Estate Attorneys, Realtors & Estate Planners
* A Unique, Hybrid Law & Real Estate Services Firm Creating Solutions
* Licensed in both Texas & Oklahoma – Including Business Brokerage

Have you ever wondered how nice it would be if someone were to combine a successful, proven, diverse, commercial business transactions, estate planning and real estate law firm with a well-backed real estate brokerage company? If so, you’re thinking of us. Afterall, the diverse ownership of real estate has become the leading form of wealth in modern America – and these areas of law all highly impact it.
Chris Griswold and his team have not only practiced (among other areas) commercial real estate law, commercial business transactions, intellectual property law, estate planning, banking, tax, Indian, zoning, and many other areas of law – but they’re also Realtors™ in residential, zoning, commercial, investment and recreational realty – with licenses as both attorneys & Realtors™ in both Texas & Oklahoma. They also do business brokerage.
Just take a look at all the services we offer, in different areas, on the “About The Firm” tab of this site.
Here at our firm, we are “cradle to grave”. What does that mean?
That means we routinely help clients all the way from their personal estate planning, to their legal entity formation, to site selection and property acquisition, to advising them on their leasing/tenant issues and operations, to helping them work with their vendors in their B2B contracts, to helping them make intellectual property decisions, to helping them institute and defend lawsuits, to helping them list and sell their business (and the related personal and real property of such business), to assisting them with winding down and dissolving their legal entity vehicle – and even more. If they have insurance issues or non-compete issues along the way, we’re there too.
All this know-how has been developed & sharpened through Chris’ involvement at the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO), where Chris has taught and mentored as a Professor in UCO’s highly esteemed, Real Estate Program. Chris’ Broker in Texas is Brix Realty (469.775.9977). Please visit www.trec.texas.gov to view important information about Brokerage Services pamphlet.
Our firm is a unique, first-ever, hybrid firm which efficiently combines and applies its well-proven experience as a law firm dealing in commercial business transactions, estate planning and real estate law – together with a modern realty & business brokerage practice. With such a unique set of skills, licenses, know-how and service offerings – Chris’ team can better serve clientele.
Call us when you’re ready.
Furthermore, Gena Timberman and Chris, both previously editors on the American Indian Law Review at the Oklahoma University College of Law – are now both collaborating Associates in The Luksi Group, LLC – a consulting company formed by Gena surrounding Indian Law issues and tribal investment strategies. Gena and Chris both interned together at the Bureau of Indian Affairs at the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. back in 1999 (during the Clinton Impeachment hearings) and, interestingly, had the joint privilege and honor of filing the seminole, landmark ” Cobell” Indian Law case as interns! They both now continue to work together and speak on Indian Law issues and tribal investment strategies and related matters.
Chris Griswold Bio
Chris is a father, attorney, professor, broker, mentor, book author (of 4 different genres, in 20 written books – including a business law book entitled “Common Laws For Uncommon People”), investor, speaker, guest columnist (of 60+ newspaper and magazine articles), social activist, frequent community volunteer and the writer of a monthly e-newsletter which has roughly 30,000 organically grown subscribers. Chris is also an actively practicing commercial attorney, realtor and business broker & he is licensed in all those respective capacities in both Texas & Oklahoma.
Chris is past President of both the Commercial Real Estate Council of OKC (CREC) and the Central Oklahoma Commercial Association of Realtors (COCAR). He is also a CoStar CRE Impact Awards Judge and, upon the invitation of the President of the Edmond Board of Realtors, serves on various committees of such Board of Realtors. Chris is also the longtime legal advisor to the Chaplains of the Oklahoma City Police Department. In 2025, he was invited onto the Board of Directors of the Texas Plano/Frisco/Garland Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Realtors (NAHREP). He is also both Owner & Managing Broker of Etc Realty, LLC, with experienced realtors working under him, in both the residential and commercial asset classes.
Chris is a professor who teaches real estate and business law courses at the University of Central Oklahoma and stays closely connected to his students – even after they graduate (oftentimes, helping them get their first jobs by promoting them on his social media – the first Professor in Oklahoma to do so). He will also be teaching government, business and other courses at Rose State College.
He practices in many States transactionally as a lawyer, and is licensed in both Texas and Oklahoma by the method of examination in the year 2000 (not by the more common and lenient method of reciprocity).
Prior to private practice in 2007, Chris served as in-house, corporate counsel for both Pier One Imports and J.C. Penney in Texas (where he also practices). After spending a majority of his career performing major, commercial transactional work (routinely working with REITs in the $5-$500M range), he has acquired extensive experience.
Chris is a proud graduate from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas where he obtained his B.B.A. in 1996. Then he attended the Oklahoma University College of Law in Norman, Oklahoma and obtained his Juris Doctor in 1999.
— Actively practicing in Texas, Oklahoma and other surrounding States —
Let my team and I help you!
— Chris Griswold Positions Held —
- Bylaws Committee– Edmond Board of Realtors / 2023 – ongoing
- Public Relations Committee– Edmond Board of Realtors / 2023 – ongoing
- Adjunct Professor of Real Estate– The University of Central Oklahoma / 2017 – ongoing
- Judge– CoStar CRE Impact Awards / 2023, 2024, 2025 & going forward
- President – Central Oklahoma Commercial Association of Realtors Summit / 2021 – 2022
- President – Commercial Real Estate Council of OKC / 2016 – 2017
- Board of Directors – Plano/Frisco/Garland, Texas Chapter of NAHREP (National Association of Hispanic Realtors Association)
- Managing Broker & Owner – Etc Realty, LLC
- Principal Attorney & Owner – Chris Griswold, P.C.
Texas Tech University (B.B.A. 1996); University of Oklahoma (J.D. 1999). In law school, Chris was Managing Editor of the American Indian Law Review and the 10th Circuit Regional Representative for the Law Student Division of the American Bar Association.
Adjunct Professor of Real Estate Law at the University of Central Oklahoma
2016 President – Commercial Real Estate Council of Oklahoma City (CREC OKC)
Active Board Member of and Legal Advisor to the Oklahoma Sheriff’s & Peace Officer’s Association
Active Member, OKCRPLA (Oklahoma City Real Property Lawyers Association)
Board Member, Commercial Real Estate Council of Oklahoma City
Board of Advisors, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
Member of the Oklahoma, Texas and American Bar Associations
Licensee with both Texas & Oklahoma Real Estate Commissions
Member of the Edmond Board of Realtors, and serving on the Bylaws & Public Relations Committees of such Board
Member of the MetroTex Association of Realtors
Member of the Oklahoma CCIM Chapter
Member of the OKCMAR REALTORS Commercial Alliance
Board of Directors of the Plano/Frisco/Garland, Texas Chapter of NAHREP (National Association of Hispanic Realtors Association)
Want to Get Involved or Just Know More?
www.crecokc.com Commercial Real Estate Council of OKC
www.okccim.com Oklahoma CCIM Chapter
www.icsc.org International Council of Shopping Centers
www.uli.org Urban Land Institute
— Chris Griswold Books —
Indian Law
Gena Timberman and Chris, both previously being editors on the American Indian Law Review at the Oklahoma University College of Law – are now both collaborating Associates in the Luksi Group, LLC – a consulting company surrounding Indian Law issues and tribal investment strategies. Gena and Chris both interned together at the Bureau of Indian Affairs at the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. back in 1999 (during the Clinton Impeachment hearings) and, interestingly, had the joint privilege and honor of filing the seminal, landmark “Cobell” Indian Law case as interns! They both now continue to work together and speak on Indian Law issues and tribal investment strategies and related matters.
Since the Supreme Court’s recent landmark McGirt Indian Law decision, Chris also works privately with young tribal entrepreneurs who wish to both: 1) partner with outside investment groups, while also 2) building a progressive coalition network with other young, like-minded Native American entrepreneurs. Chris’ 3 children are also proud, Choctaw blood quantum tribal members.
The Great Debate PanelHeld 2021 at Rose State College, on Supreme Court’s landmark Indian Law McGirt decision.

Thank you from all my friends for a wonderful birthday and birthday week! I’m overwhelmed by all the love and messages.
It all was also celebrated by a small dinner with El Salvador’s Vice President (long black dress) & dignitaries to draw support for village-to-hospital dialysis transportation program. Good friends and warm people. God works through people.
— Some of Chris’ 60+ newspaper and magazine articles —
‘It depends’ is the answer to many pandemic rent questions
Contract clause may release parties from contracts during COVID-19
Q&A Misunderstanding surrounds noncompete agreements
Q&A Businesses should use reasonable care in preventing icy accidents
Q&A Diligence is crucial for renting property owners
Q&A Legal terms matter in contracts
Q&A Upfront agreements can protect commercial tenants’ business operations
Courts look to past behaviors when resolving commercial disputes
Q&A Tenant leases need carve-out clauses to cover tenant’s extended liabilities
Q&A Cannabis business could be deal breaker for prospective building buyers, sellers
Q&A E-scooter crashes could carry legal risks
Owners, landlords & managers can control weapons on commercial property
Q&A Visual Artists Rights Act creates notoriety for artists, their work
Q&A Misunderstanding surrounds noncompete agreements
Q&A Recent federal act more broadly defines trade secrets
Q&A New trust holders must change titles, insurance policies
Q&A Commercial property owners, managers may set gun rules
Q&A Diligence is crucial for renting property owners
Q&A Tenants, landlords should negotiate own terms regarding ‘enjoyment’ covenant
Concerns over Oklahoma pot law continue to emerge
Federal law fogs pot’s promise for real estate, Oklahoma panel says
Parents need legal documents to care for adult, unmarried children
Click to view Material Breach Article from Chris Griswold.
Click to view Feature Article on Chris Griswold.
Click to view Feature Article on New Ventures.
Click to view Feature Article on Tenant Leases.
Lot Lines: Disaster lessons for property owners
Lot Lines: How can property owners prepare for Brexit?
Griswold: Strong oil is good for all
Click to view Feature Article on Tenant Leases.
Click to view Feature Article on Tenant Leases.
Site Search
Chris Griswold Blog
- Business Issues & Business Transactions (73)
- Estate Planning (11)
- Intellectual Property Issues (2)
- McGirt Decision (2)
- Real Estate & Leasing (19)
- Service Animal Info (1)
1105 Myrtle Drive
Edmond, OK 73034
12101 N. Meridian Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
405.229.7595 (Oklahoma Office)
6505 West Park Blvd.
Suite 306-113
Plano, TX 75093
972.955.0453 (Texas Office)
[email protected]
"Getting Your Deal Done"